Tower View Park
Towerview Amusement Park was located across from what is now called the Konica Tower, but was originally known as the Seagram Tower. The park only lasted about 7yrs, and was replaced by the new Bus Terminal. The carousel building, was retained, and used as part of the new terminal. There is not a lot known about this park. We are still trying to find out what rides were there, what type of carousel they had, etc.
The Park had a Wooden Wild Mouse roller coaster, Carousel, Swingboats, Tea Cup style ride, and either a log ride, or another small roller coaster.
The End of Tower View
Towerview Park was quite small, and was actually replaced by the New Bus Terminal. The building which housed the Carousel, was actually incorporated into the new bus terminal. The bus terminal was in use for about 20 yrs, until being moved to the Downtown area, across from the VIA Rail Station on Bridge St. Today, the site of Towe View Park is the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel.

Tower View Amusement Park, showing the Tea Cup style ride, and the Carousel building.(Niagara Falls Ontario Library)

Tower View Amusement Park, showing the Wild Mouse roller coaster, Swing Boats, and the Carousel building.
(Niagara Falls Ontario Library)